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My Christian music ministry started back in 1977 when I joined Holtwood Mission Band (HMB), as singer/guitarist. Since then a great variety of musical opportunities have come my way – exploring this website will give you a flavour of the last 30 odd years!
Milestones came in 2003 when my ‘Name in the Sand’ album was released, followed by ‘Horton Tower and Other Dreams’ in 2004 and “We can all be Free” in 2010.
In the Worldwide Unisong 2005 competition my song ‘Horton Tower’ made it to the finals, following which I was interviewed by the International Songwriters Association for the ‘Songwriter’ magazine.
You can read Part 1 by opening the Songwriter Profile PDF (240kb).
You can read Part 2 by opening the Songwriter Profile Pt2 PDF (419Kb).

The photo here, featured on my album ‘We Can All Be Free’, was taken on a wet and misty (but very atmospheric) afternoon at Creech Arch in Dorset.